Seraphim Society

We Can Help You Create Your Legacy: The Angel Investor Foundation’s Seraphim Society

The Seraphim Society Legacy

The Seraphim Society is a recognition program for Angel Investor Foundation (AIF) and Angel Capital Association (ACA) community members who have included our Foundation in their estate plans. Once you’ve made a planned gift to support our work, you will become a member of The Seraphim Society: receiving special publications, event invitations, exclusive membership gifts and special recognition. Anyone who has notified AIF of their intent to include the Foundation as a beneficiary of their estate plan are eligible. Seraphim Society recognition involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow the Foundation to thank and recognize donors for the plans they have made and to encourage others to follow the example.

Bequest Language

Planning for the future and creating the legacy you wish to leave is one of the most effective ways to ensure a lasting impact. A bequest or other form of planned gift to the Angel Investor Foundation is a powerful expression of your support for the future of angel investing and entrepreneurship. Your gift may either be a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. 

Our 501c3 federal tax ID number is: 86-1212274

Unrestricted Gifts

You may designate your bequest to the AIF to be used for any purpose (an “unrestricted bequest”). Those funds will be applied to the Foundation’s greatest needs at the time your bequest is realized and will provide much-needed funds to meet emerging priorities.

“I, [Name], of [City, State, ZIP], give to the Angel Investor Foundation, located in Overland Park, KS, the sum of $________ [or property described herein] [or _______ percent (___%) of the rest of my estate] to be used by the Angel Investor Foundation in its discretion for general purposes.”

Restricted Gifts

You may instead designate a specific purpose for your bequest (a “restricted bequest”). For example, a gift may be earmarked for entrepreneur or angel investor education.

“I, [Name], of [City, State, ZIP], give to the Angel Investor Foundation, located in Overland Park, KS the sum of $________ [or property described herein] [or _______ percent (___%) of the rest of my estate] to be used by the Angel Investor Foundation for the following purpose:_____________________.

Discover the different ways that you can make a difference now and into the future.

NOTE:  If you are interested in supporting a particular program area with your estate gift, the AIF board and staff would welcome the opportunity to discuss how such a gift can best align with the Foundation’s mission and be certain your wishes can be carried out in the future.

Other Ways to Give

Give Now

Donor Advised Fund – please use EIN 86-1212274 when submitting your request

Appreciated Securities

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

We sincerely appreciate your consideration and support. Please email Development Director, Katelynne Staehnke (linked) if you have any questions. The Angel Investor Foundation strongly encourages you to consult with a qualified attorney or financial services professional to assist in the development of your estate plan. For assistance in finding a qualified attorney, please contact your local bar association. AIF stands ready to work with you and your advisors to ensure your charitable goals for the Foundation are effectively accomplished. Are we included us in your estate plans? Please let us know by emailing Katelynne Staehnke at