Angel Group Resources

The ACA has many opportunities for you to learn smart practices of angel investing.

Below are some Angel Investing Resources written by ACA Board Members.

Do Good While Doing Well: Invest for Change, Reap Financial Rewards, and Increase Your Happiness- Marcia Dawood 

The Startup Investor Mindset: A guide to discovering the top ways to influence, catalyze innovation, and impact early-stage ventures as an investor – Sylvia Mah

Venture Capital for Dummies- Peter Adams

Start an Angel Group

Angel investing is truly a team sport. Angel groups provide opportunities for angels to increase access to deals and to build efficiency around deal sourcing, evaluation, term sheet negotiation and investment, and post-investment portfolio monitoring.

The AngelBox Resource is a complimentary toolkit designed to guide the development of  new angel groups. The toolkit contains a workbook and handouts for planning and launching a new angel group in your region.

Diversity and Inclusion Resource Guide

This resource guide was developed to help angel groups expand membership by attracting a new and diverse set of angel investors.  

ACA Education Partner: Seraf Educational Materials

Seraf Investor offers complimentary angel investor resources and a e-newsletter dedicated to specific angel investor topics.