ACA Inc. Column for Entrepreneurs - Demystifying Angels

Christopher Mirabile is the Chairman Emeritus of the Angel Capital Association, the leading professional and trade association for angel groups and accredited individual angel investors. He is the co-founder of portfolio management tool He is also co-Managing Director of Launchpad Venture Group, a venture investment group focused on seed and early-stage investments in technology-oriented companies.
May 09, 2018 Hacking Your Board – Fixing Interpersonal Problems With the Nuclear ApproachWith intractable board problems, when all else fails, sometimes you have no choice but to enlist other directors. Read more… |
March 19, 2018 Hacking Your Board – Fixing Interpersonal Problems GentlyWhen troubleshooting your board, you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar – save the big confrontations as a last resort. Read more… |
February 20, 2018 Hacking Your Board – Recognizing Interpersonal ProblemsIt’s not just you – sometimes your directors actually are out of line. Read more… |
November 28, 2017 Hacking Your Board – Dealing with the Cheerleader, the Pessimist and the CynicMaking your board effective can include dealing with tricky attitude problems – here’s how. Read more… |
September 28, 2017 Hacking Your Board – Curbing Bad Director BehaviorManaging upwards: sometimes you have to deal with difficult board behaviors. Here’s how. Read more… |
August 08, 2017 Hacking Your Board – Expectations for Director Conduct and ValueHold your board accountable for value-add, just like they hold you accountable for performance. Read more… |
May 24, 2017 Hacking Your Board – Running a Good Board MeetingGood board meetings don’t happen by accident; they are the product of planning and an active facilitator. Read more… |
March 21, 2017 Hacking Your Board – Make Your Board Work for YouTips for making your startup board of directors work for you. Read more… |
February 15, 2017 Engaging in Straight Talk: Operating a Customer CouncilA practical guide to running a customer council. Read more… |
January 26, 2017 Taking it To the Streets: The Argument for Using a Customer CouncilAn overview of how to set up a customer council as a really powerful tool for product and company strategy. Read more… |
December 20, 2016 Superstars for Rent: How to Build Your Advisory BoardSurround yourself with experts at each stage of the game. Read more… |
November 14, 2016 Reconciliation – Shaping Trump Polices to Drive Innovation and JobsThe innovation economy is key to our national prosperity and competitiveness. In times of populism, innovators must make their voices heard. Read more… |
November 01, 2016 Board Basics: Advisory BoardsAn overview of the difference between corporate and advisory boards and why you need both. Read more… |
October 11, 2016 Avoid These Five Deep Dive Meeting PitfallsEven an experienced entrepreneur can trip up in a deep dive – here are five traps to avoid. Read more… |
September 20, 2016 Surviving A Deep Dive MeetingGetting through an investor deep dive takes all the communication skills you can muster – particularly listening skills. Read more… |
September 01, 2016 Ducks In A Row: Prepping for A Deep Dive Meeting With InvestorsA deep dive meeting with investors doesn’t have to be painful – with some prep, you can master it. Read more… |
August 05, 2016 Form D: The One-Yard Closing Fumble You Need to AvoidCareless mistake: many entrepreneurs forget about their Form D filing obligations. Read more… |
July 08, 2016 Three Syndication Traps to Avoid3 rookie mistakes to avoid in angel syndication. Read more… |
June 22, 2016 Angel Syndication: Strategies To Engage Investors QuicklyEffective angel syndication is all about speed and momentum, plus a dash of scarcity. Read more… |
June 09, 2016 Angel Syndication: Three Basic Concepts for Getting StartedSyndication momentum starts with an organized plan. Read more… |
April 11, 2016 2016 Crowdfunding Rules: How The Restrictions Work and Why It MattersCrowdfunding is at hand but unfortunately, it may not be time for startups to celebrate just yet; here’s why: Read more… |
April 05, 2016 2016 Crowdfunding Rules: More Complicated Than You ThinkEquity crowdfunding has arrived. Unfortunately, it is not all it is cracked up to be. Read more… |
March 03, 2016 Day Late and a Dollar Short: How to Close Your Deal On Time Use some common sense and planning or you will blow your intended closing date. |
February 09, 2016 Common Ground – Negotiating Reasonable Deal TermsFinding the right balance with priced round deal terms is the key to getting a good deal done. Read more… |
January 19, 2016 Piecing the Puzzle Together: Putting Deal Terms in ContextUnderstanding priced round deal terms is much easier when you group them by concept. Read more… |
January 06, 2016 Understanding The Investor’s Perspective in Priced RoundsMaking sense of out the many issues is actually pretty easy when you understand the concepts the issues cluster around. Read more… |
December 23, 2015 The Valuation Trap: Pricing Your Deal StrategicallyA high early valuation on your start-up is often not a good thing. This article explains why. Read more… |
November 30, 2015 Minding the Fort: Key Entrepreneur Concerns in Priced RoundsAn overview of the key issues and concerns entrepreneurs have when considering raising money. Read more… |
November 03, 2015 Arranged Marriage: How Priced Rounds Really WorkIf convertible debt causes misalignments, how are priced rounds better, and how do they really work? Read more… |
October 07, 2015 Lesser of Two Evils: Convertible Debt or Priced Round?An investor takes a thorough look at the pros and cons of using convertible debt in start-up investment rounds. Read more… |
September 28, 2015 Basic Term Sheet MechanicsA beginners explanation of what a startup termsheet is, how it gets created and how it works. Read more… |
September 11, 2015 10 Due Diligence Survival Strategies for EntrepreneursAdvanced tips for successfully navigating the investor due diligence process. Read more… |
August 18, 2015 Rites of Passage: What Investors Mean By Due DiligenceEntrepreneurs fear due diligence mostly because they don’t understand it. Here’s an overview of what investors are trying to accomplish. Read more… |
July 21, 2015 Avoiding The 9 Worst Pitching Thin SpotsAssuming you have mastered the mechanics, flow, and choreography of your pitch, and you have a business that is fundable, and you know how to deliver the pitch and get through the filters investors apply, what is left to go wrong? Failing to go deep enough into certain essential areas. Shallow skimming in these difficult areas is so common some of the summary expressions entrepreneurs use have become cliches. There’s no reason to fall into that trap; we know nobody wants to dive into a shallow pool. So let’s go through these all-too-frequently short-changed items one at a time. Read more… |
June 22, 2015 25 Mistakes To Avoid When Pitching InvestorsYou finally have your chance to pitch some investors. Your business concept may be solid. But are you aware that there are at least 25 other ways you might shoot yourself in the foot? Avoid them all with this checklist, segmented into three sections from easiest to hardest. Read more… |
June 01, 2015 No Angel Traction? The Problem May Be Your Business TypeSome things are easier to fund than others. For entrepreneurs struggling to get angel traction, it is important to recognize that type of business matters. Read more… |
May 07, 2015 Hidden Filters to Raising MoneyHaving a great idea is not enough. To attract investors, you need to understand how to think like an investor. Here is how. Read more… |
April 15, 2015 When Teamwork Isn’t Better: It’s A Mistake to Tag-Team Your PitchWhen teamwork isn’t better: an explanation of why the CEO should handle the investor pitch solo. Read more… |
March 24, 2015 Getting Your Story Straight – Pitch Deck FlowDecent entrepreneurs can succinctly explain what their product does. Good entrepreneurs can describe their market and their customer. Funded entrepreneurs can pitch their company in terms that an investor can relate to. Read more… |
March 03, 2015 Pitch Deck Fundamentals – What You Need to IncludeSecuring investment requires more than a great idea. Beyond a compelling executive summary to tell your story and get you the pitch meeting, you will need to craft a great pitch deck. In my years as an angel investor I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of presentations. Without a doubt the best investor presentations use consistent building blocks, have the right assembly and the components are arranged in a strategic flow (which will be covered in the next article). First things first. Read more… |
February 10, 2015 One Page That MattersInvestors often talk about a “one-pager” and by that, they mean your executive summary. The executive summary is an at-a-glance fact sheet summarizing everything important about your business. Although it may be a hassle to create, it is vitally important. Read more… |
January 21, 2015 10 Crowdfunding Realities You Need to UnderstandMost people are pretty confused about what crowdfunding is and is not. Here are the ten key concepts entrepreneurs and investors need to understand. Read more… |
January 06, 2015 Strength in Numbers – Working with Angel GroupsContrary to what most people think, company growth doesn’t produce cash, it consumes cash. Behind every headline about a hot, thriving company is a team furiously shoveling coal (i.e. cash) into the boiler. Building a rapid growth company requires capital from somewhere. Read more… |
December 12, 2014 The Three Golden Questions: Networking Fundamentals for EntrepreneursLet me be clear–there is absolutely no virtue in being obscure. Which is why networking is so often cited as a core skill for entrepreneurs (for example, here, here, and here). What does it have to do with building a business? If it is so important, how do you actually do it? Read more… |
November 24, 2014 What Angels Give Thanks For“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.” W. Clement Stone “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” W.J. Cameron “On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence.” William Jennings Bryan Entrepreneurs, let’s be honest: nothing inspires gratitude in the heart of an angel investor quite like a good, timely exit. Exit liquidity, after all, is the necessary force that makes our collective world go round. But that doesn’t mean angels don’t appreciate all the other quirky, sometimes fleeting, but always satisfying benefits of working with you along the way. Fact is, we are nothing without you. Read more… |
November 11, 2014 If You’ll Be My Bodyguard – Mentors and EntrepreneursIf you can’t describe what a great mentor does, you’ve probably never had one. A great mentor relationship is actually a pretty rare and special thing. It doesn’t come about all that often, and it’s not something that can be forced. But it is worth trying to find one or more if you can, because having great mentors can be so powerfully helpful. Read more… |
October 28, 2014 12 Fundamentals of the First Time RaiseRecently a couple of terrific investors I know, East-coaster Catherine Mott of BlueTree Allied Angels in Pittsburgh and West-coaster Jim Connor of Sand Hill Angels in Silicon Valley were together collecting their thoughts for an upcoming webinar, part of Global Entrepreneurship Week and Global Business Angels Day. It is on fundraising advice for first time entrepreneurs, and catching them while preparing proved too tempting an interview opportunity to pass up. So I pinned them down for answers to twelve questions every fundraising entrepreneur should ponder. Read more… |
October 13, 2014 25 Sins: What to Avoid When Looking for AngelsFinding quality angel investors may require kissing a few frogs. Thankfully, really bad apples are incredibly rare. But not all investors are created equal. 25 sins to avoid when selecting your angel investors. Read more… |
September 23, 2014 Daredevils vs. Tweakers: Entrepreneurs and RiskConventional wisdom paints entrepreneurs as daredevils or wildcatters. Is it time to expand our thinking about the true entrepreneurial traits that lead to startup success? Read more… |
September 09, 2014 Fool Born Every Minute: So You Think You Want to Be an Entrepreneur?Could you be an entrepreneur? A start-to-finish reading list for entrepreneurs and people who think they want to be. Read more… |
August 25, 2014
7 Reasons Why Angel Investing Became Serious Finance
Discover the forces converging to make angel investment a serious source of capital for savvy, high-growth focused entrepreneurs.