
By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

As an entrepreneur and seasoned angel investor, Bill Payne understands the critical importance of education to make well-informed decisions that determine the success or failure of a startup.

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

We are deeply saddened and disturbed by the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others.  The Angel Capital Association stands for social justice, equal opportunity, and social mobility through the power of entrepreneurship. We have no place for racism. 

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

As we have continued to monitor the impact of Covid-19 on our Country, and in fact the World, and worked through our contingency plans for the ACA 2020 – The Summit of Angel Investing event, we have continuously reached out to our partners and local government officials to gather the most up to date information needed to guide us in our decision process regarding the Summit.  As we consider the health and safety of our Summit attendees, and given the meeting guidance we have received from local, State and Federal agencies, we have decided to postpone the ACA 2020 Summit meeting. The future configuration, format, and date are all under review. 

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

Education is necessary for growth in any profession, but it is vital for angel investors.  Without the tools needed to make smart investments, starting as an angel investor is challenging to say the least.  ACA offers many courses to help angels succeed, including one of the most popular programs, Fundamentals of Angel Investing.  Fundamentals of Angel Investing was created for members to introduce new angels and accredited investors to angel investing basics so they can start smart and further their angel investment knowledge. 


Public Policy Quarterly: Summer 2024 by Angel Capital Association  on  June 28
ACA Announces Partnership with Thompson Hine by Angel Capital Association  on  June 24