New ACA Board Members Elected at Annual Member Meeting

Angel Insights Blog

Monday, May 07, 2018 

New ACA Board Members Elected at Annual Member Meeting

By: Marianne Hudson, ACA Executive Director

ACA will have five new members joining the Board of Directors for a three-year term on July 1, 2018, Juliana GaraizarJim GoulkaLorine PendletonRick Timmins and Ron Weissman.  All were voted in at the ACA Annual Members’ Meeting during the ACA Summit in Boston.  The Board of Directors is made up of 15 members and four Chairs Emeritus. 

The Board of Directors focuses on supporting the success of angel investors through industry voice, professional development and public policy advocacy while maintaining the mission and values of the Angel Capital Association.  The incoming board members will bring a rich diversity of experiences, leadership and geography to the Board of Directors.  They will also assist ACA to grow and deliver more value to members.

Selection criteria for board nominations includes, constituent group representation, geographic representation balance, committee service needs and willingness to serve.  Our incoming board members pledge to uphold the vision and goals of ACA while bringing their individual unique voice and ideas to the organization.  Incoming Directors include:

  • Juliana Garaizar from Houston, TX is the Managing Director of the Houston Angel Network, as well as an active member of Portfolia. 
  • Jim Goulka joins as the Managing Director of Arizona Tech Investors, in addition to the CEO and President of Lone Mountain Associates LLC.  Jim lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Lorine Pendleton from New York, NY, is a member of Pipeline Angels.  She is the New York Chair of TIGER 21 and an investment partner of Portfolia. 
  • Rick Timmins from Austin, TX, is a part of the Central Texas Angel Network and a Venture Capital Partner of G51 Capital.  Rick is also a Real Estate Developer and Partner of Mid-City Development. 
  • Ron Weissman joins from Silicon Valley as the Chairman of Band of Angels Software Special Interest Group (SiG), and as a Partner of Circini Innovation and a Partner of Performance Works.

Marcia Dawood and Tony Shipley will begin their second term on July 1, 2018.  ACA thanks our three members leaving the board, Faz Bashi of Life Science Angels, Jim Connor of Sand Hill Angels and Mike Eckert of NO/LA Angel Network, for their service and hard work during their time on the Board of Directors.  Their contributions have made a very positive impact on the angel investor community and the Angel Capital Association. 

Tags: Governance 

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