Meet ACA Colleagues and Partners – on Our Video Channel!

Angel Insights Blog

Thursday, June 29, 2017 

Meet ACA Colleagues and Partners – on Our Video Channel!

By Graeme Thickins, ACA PR Team

Did you ever wish you’d have had a chance to meet or chat with someone at the ACA Summit or any of our other events, but never had the opportunity to run into them? Well, now you can — via brief interviews posted on the new ACA video library. It’s your chance to get to know interesting people, with great insights, better. The full set of ACA videos are posted on our Vimeo channel. You can view these videos without a Vimeo account, or you can create a free account, and then follow any channels of your choice — which we suggest you do with the ACA channel, of course! If you do that, then you’ll be notified whenever there’s a new video posted on our channel.

The first set of videos posted on the ACA channel were shot at our Summit in San Francisco in late April. Those interviewed there — by Lucy Howell, ACA’s Director of Sponsorships — included members, sponsors, and Innovation Showcase participants. Lucy did additional video interviews at the regional meeting in Boston, and more will be posted soon. Watch out, as you could be next to be interviewed at an upcoming event!

They are a great way to get insights from ACA members, partners and sponsors.  There are a range of discussions:

If you’re also interested in listening to audio interviews of ACA members, here’s a recent one featuring ACA member angel Barbara Boxer. It’s an interview with LDR Ventures in Southern California, for their “BizFix” podcast, which is about “what it really takes to build a business that combines one’s personal values with their business goals and culture.” In this episode, Barbara discusses her investment ethos, which is about creating more funding outcomes for women-driven ventures. How does she evaluate business deals? Barbara looks for entrepreneurs who have imagination, and always wants to find the “heart” in the deal.

Have you come across any recent video or audio interviews of other ACA members? If so, let us know!

Tags: Accredited Investors  Summit  Angel Interview

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