Congrats to Angel Resource Institute and Willamette University

By: Marianne Hudson, ACA Executive Director

Today we send a special congratulations to our sister organization, the Angel Resource Institute, which is now the Angel Resource Institute at Willamette University.  ARI and Willamette University have developed this new joint venture, which should be a good result for ACA members, and angels and entrepreneurs in general.  More information about the joint venture is here.

As ARI Chairman, Michael Cain, said, “There is a natural fit between our two organizations. This partnership allows us to provide better service, enhance our research, and expand our training offering.” ​

ARI has worked closely with Willamette University over the last ten years on academic research and education, in the fields of angel investing and entrepreneurship capital. Past collaboration resulted in two major initiatives:  the HALO Report, a study published quarterly on angel investor activities and trends nationwide, and the 2015 Returns to Angel Investors in Groups, a comprehensive analysis of angel investors returns in the U.S., funded by the Kauffman Foundation and the NASDAQ Education Foundation.

Wade Brooks has been named Executive Director for the joint venture. “This partnership has fantastic alignment and consolidates the work both parties have been doing for years,” Brooks said. “Working with ARI secures Willamette University’s position as the leader in early stage investment research.” In addition to his new role, Mr. Brooks will continue to serve as an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurial Practice at Willamette University MBA and Executive Director for the Willamette University Angel Investment Fund.

ACA looks forward to working with Mr. Brooks and his staff – and also hope this means more conversations with leading angel researcher and Willamette professor, Robert Wiltbank.  ACA also continues to encourage ACA members to submit data to the HALO Report and 2015 Returns of Angel Investors in Groups.   ACA members receive a 10% discount to in-person seminars.


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