ACA Public Policy Engagement

By: Greg Mesack, Partner at GrayRobinson

The Angel Capital Association (ACA) is constantly advocating on behalf of its members in Washington, DC.  While ACA’s members are supporting startups and entrepreneurs, your association is working to ensure that the government does not create roadblocks to your mission. 

Over the next few months we will explore the ways that the ACA interacts with the different parts of our nation’s policy making apparatus on behalf of its Angel members.  This month we will look at how ACA works with the administration, both at the White House level and with the SEC. 

Much of the government policy affecting angel investors comes from our federal regulators at the SEC.  The SEC sets the standards for important items, such as the definition of accredited investor, and writes the rules of the road regarding how exempt offerings under Regulation D are carried out.  The ACA consistently meets with the SEC, both at the staff and Commissioner level.  Our CEO and our leadership team has met with the SEC, regardless of which party controls the White House, to educate the Commissioners and their staff about the critical work that Angel Investors do, and how the SEC can support that work.  Last year ACA Executive Director Emeritus Marianne Hudson met with Chairman Clayton and other bipartisan members of the SEC.  We also are in regular contact with the SEC staff conveying the same message about the important work being done by ACA’s members.

Much of the tone for the regulatory and policy agenda in the federal government starts at the White House.  While the SEC promulgates the rules for the road, the White House appoints the majority of the Commission and sets the tone for the Commission.  ACA meets regularly with the White House and it’s economic team, led by the National Economic Council.  ACA CEO Pat Gouhin was in Washington, DC, in February and met with John Crews, Special Assistant to the President to talk about ACA’s tax priorities for 2020.  This is the third time that ACA has met with the NEC under president Trump.  The ACA had similar engagement under president Obama and will continue to engage with whomever wins the 2020 presidential election.

ACA CEO Pat Gouhin comes to Washington, DC regularly for engagement with key policy makers.  It is a key part of what the ACA does for its membership. Next month we will talk about our engagement with Congress.

Editors Note: GrayRobinson is ACA’s federal advocacy firm, providing ACA with advice and connections on Capitol Hill, the White House and federal government agencies.  Their expertise and extensive network has helped ACA make considerable headway in Washington, DC.


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