Archive for January 2023

The bill will authorize the Department of Labor to conduct a three-year, multi-state study to review the outcomes of these programs and report its findings to Congress. Learn more about this kind of policy online.

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

Looking back over the past few years of uncertainty and effort, The Angel Capital Association has made it through stronger than ever because of the work of our dedicated members, volunteers and professional staff. We are deeply grateful to our dedicated volunteers and professional staff for their leadership, expertise and dedication to our mission. Without you, none of our accomplishments would have been possible and our hope for the future would be unfounded. More importantly, without you, our economy would be weakened and society’s ability to innovate would be stunted.

The Angel Capital Association (ACA), the world’s leading professional association for angel investors and startup entrepreneurs, has announced a partnership with Series Code, a leading technology support company for startup entrepreneurs. With an overall goal of educating and meaningfully connecting with angel investors and angel group leaders around the world, the ACA and Series Code have forged a new 12-month partnership jointly believed to be of great benefit to the angel investment community.
ACA believes in the impact and benefits of angel investing to entrepreneurs, job growth and the economy. Deeply active on the federal legislative and regulatory fronts, ACA helps safeguard and galvanize the rights of American angel investors so that we can protect the foundation that fuels the startup economy. ACA represents our members, but we invite investors to lend their efforts - a combined voice matters.
The Angel Investor Foundation’s Seed the Future Campaign is in full swing, and we are pleased to report that we have surpassed $1.0 million toward our $2.3 million goal!
The Angel Capital Association (ACA), the world’s leading professional association for angel investors and startup entrepreneurs, has announced a partnership with Startup Steroid, a leading angel investing and angel group collaboration platform.

Angel Capital Association Announces Partnership with Millennium Trust
***For Immediate Release*** 

The Angel Capital Association (ACA), the world’s leading professional association for angel investors and startup entrepreneurs, has announced a partnership with Millennium Trust Company, a leading financial wellness solution platform. With an overall goal of educating and supporting angel investors, the ACA and Millennium Trust Company have forged a new 12-month partnership jointly believed to be of great benefit to the angel investment community.


Public Policy Quarterly: Summer 2024 by Angel Capital Association  on  June 28
ACA Announces Partnership with Thompson Hine by Angel Capital Association  on  June 24