Angel investing

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

ACA emails have a new look!  The Angel Capital Association’s top priority is to service our members by providing resources to help with making smart investments and improving returns.  Whether it is an upcoming event or a new piece of legislation, ACA wants to help our members easily identify the benefits that are most applicable to each individual.  We are thrilled to unveil our refreshed email design to make content straightforward and accessible. 

By: Kelley Skoloda, Next Act Fund

America’s small businesses have become the engines for job creation. That is great news for not only for entrepreneurs but also for me. 

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

After ACA’s multi-pronged, multi-year advocacy for amendment to the “accredited investor” definition, we are pleased to report we’ve met with success. The Securities and Exchange Commission announced yesterday that the definition of an “accredited investor” has preserved the existing income thresholds and has been expanded to provide more access to private equity by allowing investors to qualify based upon new criteria. 

By: Lance Cottrell, North Bay Angels

Editors Note - The following article shares points from one investor to founders.  ACA wants to know – does your group have similar expectations?  Or, do you have additional advice for founders who pitch to your group? 

I answer more questions and provide more coaching about investor pitches than anything else. Once you decide that you need investment to grow your company, your task as a founder is to convince investors to give it to you. The first step in that process is a pitch, and getting it right is essential to the future of your business. In this blog, I will share with you my five-step process for building a killer pitch

By: Samer Yousif, VentureWell

There’s been a reckoning in the early-stage investment ecosystem. 

By: Sarah Dickey, ACA Membership Director

Earlier this week the Clean Energy Venture Group (CEVG) and E8 announced a partnership for national climate tech angel investing with the goal to achieve greater efficiencies and impact.  This significant initiative to mitigate the threat of climate change and commitment to innovation is aiming to fill a void in the climate tech sector.  Jean-Noel Poirier, CEVG partner and Executive Managing Director, sat down with ACA to share even more about this new partnership and how interested angels can get involved: 

By: Dan Rosen, Alliance of Angels

The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused every startup to assess how to survive and plan to thrive in the “new normal.” No one knows what the new normal will look like, but based on other jolts to our economic system, we do know that life after this pandemic will be different than life before – at least for a while.  Just as there is no natural immunity to the Covid-19 virus, there will be no immunity to the economic disruption that results. 

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

Three new board members were elected at the ACA Annual Members’ Meeting during ACA 2020 – The Summit of Angel Investing held virtually May 12-14, 2020.  In addition to the election of the new board members, one current board member was re-elected for a second term and a Vice Chair was elected.  The Board of Directors is currently made up of 15 members and four Chairs Emeritus. 

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

We are deeply saddened and disturbed by the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others.  The Angel Capital Association stands for social justice, equal opportunity, and social mobility through the power of entrepreneurship. We have no place for racism. 

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

Late last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced the appointment of six new members to the Investor Advisory Committee.  Christopher Mirabile, Launchpad Venture Group and ACA Chair Emeritus, was among the new members. 


Public Policy Quarterly: Summer 2024 by Angel Capital Association  on  June 28
ACA Announces Partnership with Thompson Hine by Angel Capital Association  on  June 24