By: Sarah Dickey, ACA Membership Director

Cutting-edge clean energy company wins Luis Villalobos Award, Technology category, from Angel Capital Association 

By Sarah Dickey, ACA Membership Director

Young company awarded prestigious Luis Villalobos Award, Life Sciences category, from Angel Capital Association 

By: Dror Futter, Legal and Business Adviser to Startups, Venture Capital Firms and Technology Companies

In January 2019, Alementary Brewing Co. of Hackensack delayed its planned expansion. Alementary was unable to obtain several necessary alcohol permits due to the U.S. government shutdown. It was likely not something Alementary could have reasonably anticipated when it entered into agreements with suppliers and customers. 

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

We can’t wait to welcome Martha Miller, Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, to ACA 2020 – The Summit of Angel Investing! Martha will join ACA for an exclusive fireside chat to discuss updates, trends, and perspectives about how COVID-19 is impacting raising capital, crowdfunding, and strategies to bridge networks. 

By: Brent Gleeson, Founder & CEO at TakingPoint™ Leadership, Navy SEAL

As a former Navy SEAL, I’ve been far removed from the battlefield for quite some time. But there continue to be many lessons we can extract from the global war on terrorism when it comes to preparedness, planning, vigilance, resilience and leading through constant change during tumultuous times. 

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

What would it be like if start up success wasn’t so hard to predict? What if you could leverage a research-based, long-term study to help you assess a company’s potential? Even better, what if you had a turnkey, proven way to set early stage entrepreneurs up for success as they go beyond founding a business and start building their business? 

By: Tom Droege, Co-Founder of Resilient Ventures and President of Droege Computing Services, Inc.

Forward by Pat Gouhin, CEO: In this new blog, we have a responsibility so share the thought leadership, advice, counsel, and impactful communications that are taking place throughout the angel investment community during these trying times. I was fortunate enough to receive a message from one of the respected leaders in my local community, Tom Droege of Resilient Ventures. Our worlds have been turned upside down and this often results in an inward focus but Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity must remain an integral part of our forward looking strategy as a community.  Tom has made this point beautifully in his message.  With Tom's permission I offer you the following thoughts that I hope you will consider as you figure out how you can play a part in making the world a better place. 

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

10.  It fits into your life, nicely. The event features 12 hours of interactive sessions, over three days, with plenty of down-time – a chance to learn and grow that’s remarkably easy on the schedule. 

Christopher Mirabile, ACA Chair Emeritus, Managing Director at Launchpad Venture Group and Co-Founder of

Entrepreneurs who have just launched or are contemplating launching a startup are undoubtedly feeling a bit panicky as the social and economic consequences of Covid-19 start to pile up. There is a reasonable basis for concern in this climate, but I am here to tell you that the situation is not hopeless. If you have a good idea, it’s focused on a problem truly worth solving, and you are still feeling passionate and motivated about it, then hang in there a little longer and don’t give up on trying to raise money for your company.  

By: Dror Futter, Legal and Business Adviser to Startups, Venture Capital Firms and Technology Companies

Remember all those articles about whether venture was overvalued?  With blinding speed, they now seem quaint.

Bluntly stated, most venture-backed companies are in a fight for survival.  Although certain areas of life sciences may do somewhat better, I think the impact will be widely felt.  Complicating the fight is the fact that no one can predict how long it will last and what the immediate post-Corona economy will look like. 


Public Policy Quarterly: Summer 2024 by Angel Capital Association  on  June 28
ACA Announces Partnership with Thompson Hine by Angel Capital Association  on  June 24