Top Resources for New Angels

By: Marianne Hudson, ACA Executive Director

Yesterday I took a call from an accelerator managing partner who wanted to educate some of his investors on how to get started in angel investing.  As I put together a list of resources for him, it occurred to me that lots of angel investors and others are interested in this information, so let me share my list here!

This is also a chance to mention that the Angel Capital Association is now starting our new monthly “Best Practice” Webinar series aimed at providing education on the key things new investors need to know:  having a portfolio strategy to begin with, valuation, due diligence, term sheets, sourcing deals, etc.  If you like these, you can also download the decks from the main webinar page.  This program is in partnership with The Rising Tide Fund, Kauffman Foundation, Go Beyond Investing, Portfolia and Next Wave Ventures.  We’ll have more information about this exciting program soon.

Start Your Angel Journey – This includes some of ACA’s recommended articles, video series and books, with practical information to get started as an angel investor.

Investor IQ - This Kauffman Foundation developed site has a whole series of short videos on key questions of being an angel, some by famous angels and others by more “regular” angels.

ACA Webinars - These are free, live or archived.  We just started a monthly “Best Practices” series that will look at “Angel 101” issues.  If you like these, you can also download the decks from the main webinar page.  From the current archives, I particularly suggest these for newer angels:

  • Best Practice Series: Angel Portfolio Strategy – September 22, 2015
  • Top 10 Things You Need to Know Before Your First Investment – October 22, 2014
  • What Makes an Investable Company? – August 13, 2014
  • Wall Street Journal Spreecast - How to Become an Angel Investor – December 2, 2013

Presentations – ACA has several presentations available on our website for downloading.  The decks include everything from statistics and trends in angel investing to an overview of the US angel investing scene.

Angel 101 from Seraf Investor – This organization has an excellent blog series on the basics of angel investing.

Halo Report – Statistics on typical angel group deals and trends, updated quarterly.  The 2015 1H deck is here.  

Returns of Angels in Groups – This is a 2007 study, but still the best on understanding returns angels get and puts data behind common sense stuff for angels – the need to make multiple investments to minimize risk, due diligence also increases returns, and having someone monitor and mentor portfolio companies is also important.  A new study is currently underway.

Workshops and Seminars by the Angel Resource Institute - ARI has a series of full and half-day programs they present in partnership with local organizations across the US and world, for a license fee.

What other resources do you recommend for those starting their angel investor journey?  Please share them and we’ll help distribute good information.


Great list! Personally, I'd add "Angel Investing" by David Rose to the list ...
CJ Cornell  8 years ago 


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