Introducing Pat Gouhin, ACA’s Chief Executive Officer

By: Emily Angold, ACA Marketing Manager

There are big things happening at the Angel Capital Association!  ACA is pleased to share that Patrick Gouhin began his new position as ACA’s new CEO on Monday, May 20.  Pat will step in to the leadership role previously held by ACA’s Founder and Executive Director Emeritus, Marianne Hudson, who is retiring after a transition period. 

“I was part of the search committee and know we found the right person who will help ACA grow and develop the way it needs to drive success for our members,” says Marianne, “I am excited that ACA can leverage Pat’s tremendous capabilities in the association management arena to take ACA to the next level.”

Pat’s professional career includes three decades of association management experience with positions such as Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer and Director of Operations.  During his tenure, Pat significantly increased revenue, delivered new services and successfully grew membership of multiple associations. 

"In addition to his proven track record of growing member-based organizations, Pat brings to the job strong public speaking skills, public policy expertise and the experience of managing nearly 60 employees worldwide.  The ACA Board and I look forward to working with Pat as we continue to enhance ACA's value to you, our members,” says ACA Board Chairman, Linda Smith.

Incoming ACA Board Chairman, Tony Shipley, agrees, “ACA's Board is very excited to have Pat join our team,” he says.  “His background and experience uniquely qualify him to help drive the future of our organization.  We look forward to working with Pat to expand ACA’s resources and further develop our strategic initiatives aimed at improving our member outcomes and the entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

Pat is delighted to join the ACA team and work with the angel community.   He is committed to the standard of excellence ACA upholds and is eager to bring his leadership experience and style to generate positive change and drive results to benefit ACA members in their quest for knowledge, connections and tools to make smarter investment decisions.

"I am excited about building on the strong legacy of ACA and furthering member activity that gives hope, provides opportunities, and facilitates the introduction of innovative new products and services,” says Pat. “ACA members, and their strong partnership with entrepreneurs, serve as a critical link in driving economic prosperity and ACA will continue to be a leader in bringing the community together and advancing mankind through angel investing."

The Angel Capital Association has many accomplishments in its brief, but rich history.  Pat’s exceptional leadership skills and experience will take ACA to the next stage of its lifecycle by executing new initiatives that will benefit our members and continue ACA’s mission to “fuel the success of the accredited angel investor community through advocacy, education and connection building.”

Pat will be located in the Research Triangle Park area and ACA will remain headquartered in Kansas City, with employees located throughout North America, similar to ACA’s membership.  Please join the ACA staff and Board of Directors in welcoming Pat to the Angel Capital Association!


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