ACA 2020 – The Summit of Angel Investing Postponement

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

As we have continued to monitor the impact of Covid-19 on our Country, and in fact the World, and worked through our contingency plans for the ACA 2020 – The Summit of Angel Investing event, we have continuously reached out to our partners and local government officials to gather the most up to date information needed to guide us in our decision process regarding the Summit.  As we consider the health and safety of our Summit attendees, and given the meeting guidance we have received from local, State and Federal agencies, we have decided to postpone the ACA 2020 Summit meeting. The future configuration, format, and date are all under review. 

What you can do:

  • Look for updates and future offerings to put on your calendar. We are exploring options for re-imagining the Summit in an engaging, online format along with potentially scheduling a new face to face date. We will report back to you no later than April 15.
  • Help ACA weather this time of unprecedented economic uncertainty for organizations that hold conferences as a major source of their revenue by allowing us to keep your registration fees as a credit toward future programming.
  • Refund your hotel and flights for May, if booked. Most airlines and hotels have adopted liberal cancellation/reschedule policies in light of the circumstances.
  • Share with us your ideas for getting through this together.

While this has not been an easy time for anyone in our community, we thank all of our dedicated members, partners, and other supporters in the startup ecosystem for your commitment to the Summit and ACA in general. We are humbled that so many members of our extended community remained committed to the ACA 2020 Summit.

Special thanks go to our Program Committee, the ACA Executive Committee and the Board of Directors that remain hard at work evaluating alternative plans and scenarios for the Summit.  We respectfully ask for your patience as we continue to work through updating our Summit plans, which we will share with all ACA members and partners as soon as they are available.  Additionally, for those people who had already signed up for the event, we will soon provide processes for full reimbursement (without cancellation fees), application to a future ACA event, and/or other alternatives.

We remain optimistic and excited about the prospect of future ACA events and the overall direction of our Association.  Until we can convene, please continue to collaborate, celebrate, and stay safe.


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