Archive for June 2021

By: Linda Smith, ACA Chair Emeritus

ACA members are invited to join the Global Business Angels Network (GBAN) Annual Meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from November 14-17, 2021 which will take place as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Congress – anticipated to be one of the first post-COVID-19 live global gatherings of entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and other startup champions from around the world.  The focus of the GBAN Annual Meeting this year will be on cross border investing but there will be a wide range of sessions for investors throughout the three-day event. 

By: Kevin Learned, Partner of Sage Growth Capital

The pros and cons of convertible notes have been thoroughly documented. However, the tax consequences of a convertible note have not been explored in as much depth. This blog post is an attempt to document the adverse tax effects that have surprised some investors. 

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

As the fiscal year draws to a close, we are taking a moment to celebrate our accomplishments in these unprecedented times – and we’re charting a course to create a powerful future. 


Public Policy Quarterly: Summer 2024 by Angel Capital Association  on  June 28
ACA Announces Partnership with Thompson Hine by Angel Capital Association  on  June 24