Archive for April 2016

By Maria Contreras-Sweet, SBA Administrator

What creates two out of three net new American jobs; produces close to half of our nation’s goods and services (nonfarm private GDP); and can be found, coast to coast, in every small town, big city and rural enclave?

The 28 million small businesses that propel our economy forward and define our national entrepreneurial spirit.

To be American is to have the freedom to innovate, take risks, create, transform and put in the hard work that has led to the successes – and failures – that define human progress. From May 1-6, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will recognize and honor the critical and  life altering contributions of America’s moms and pops, manufacturing enterprises, Main Street retailers and entrepreneurs during National Small Business Week.

While I was doing some research about some of our ACA Summit speakers, I found that several have penned some really interesting pieces.  Angels and entrepreneurs can learn a lot about investing trends and key trends and issues in early stage investing.  Here is an incomplete list of articles to check out:

By A.J. Watson of Fundify, LLC in Austin, TX.  This article originally appeared on

Summary: The majority of angel investments are made by investors with no prior industry experience. This is a problem since one of the best indicators of investment success is the investor’s past experience. If you are an angel investor, you should seek to invest in industries where you have experience OR invest alongside investors with prior experience. I believe so strongly in this fact that I’m helping build, a community of industry experts, to help.

By: Christopher Mirabile, ACA Chair, Launchpad Venture Group, and co-founder of

This post originally appeared on

In the first article in this deal terms series, we observed that the concepts covered in a typical term sheet can be grouped into four main categories of investor concerns: Deal Economics; Investor Rights/Protection; Governance, Management & Control; and Exits/Liquidity. In the second article in this deal terms series we gave an overview and mapping of all of the key term sheet clauses used by investors to address the concerns in each category. In the third article we dug deeper into the provisions relating to Deal Economics, in the fourth Investor Rights/Protection, and in this article we are going to tackle the Governance, Management and Control category.


Public Policy Quarterly: Summer 2024 by Angel Capital Association  on  June 28
ACA Announces Partnership with Thompson Hine by Angel Capital Association  on  June 24