Angel Investing

This is Part II of a two-part series on Revenue-Financed Capital (RFC) for angels. Part I addressed the question of when RFC might be appropriate to meet some of the capital needs of angel portfolio companies. This post discusses why RFC may be appropriate for angel portfolios.
This is Part I of a two-part series on Revenue-Financed Capital (RFC) for angels. Part II will address the question of whether angels should include RFC in their investment portfolio.
Angel investing has undergone significant changes in recent years. As an important source of financing for startups and small businesses, it's critical for current and emerging angel investors to understand the shifts occurring in the industry. Here are some of the most notable dynamics impacting angel capital today.
Working harder won’t solve poverty, pollution, social inequality, and dozens of other major challenges we face on this planet. If we want to feed, clothe and house 8 billion people, address the host of health, environmental and other issues, good old fashioned elbow grease isn’t going to do it. But if we become effective at commercializing innovative solutions of passionate entrepreneurs, we stand a chance.
We all know that investing in startup companies is inherently risky. Over half of early-stage investments typically fail to return any capital, with the top 10% usually returning 85-90% of all the cash proceeds. The game is won on “grand slam home runs," not “singles."
The Angel Capital Association, in concert with Jeffrey Lang of the Desert Angels and ACA’s proud partner Dealum, have come together to conduct an informative interview on one of 2023’s most important topics in the angel investment space: angel group collaboration.
The near-term crisis has largely been averted with the Federal Reserve, Treasury and FDIC regulators announcing that depositors regained access to 100% of their money starting Monday and that no losses will be borne by the taxpayer. The move should restore confidence and keep startups solvent and their employees employed, but there likely will be some longer-lasting psychological effects relating to capital risk that we should all be on the lookout for.
In the July 2022 edition of ACA Data Insights, the Queen City Angels (QCA) presented “What We Learned from Our Data," a comprehensive study using six years of data related to member engagement. QCA defined ‘’engagement” as a member's commitment to QCA's success and demonstrated by their intellectual contributions and participation in activities key to the organization’s mission. QCA members spent 6 months meeting with other investor groups (many ACA members) around the country doing a smart practices study of deal flow and due diligence processes which contributed to the writing of our Standards + Practices Guide.
The bill will authorize the Department of Labor to conduct a three-year, multi-state study to review the outcomes of these programs and report its findings to Congress. Learn more about this kind of policy online.

By: Pat Gouhin, Chief Executive Officer

Looking back over the past few years of uncertainty and effort, The Angel Capital Association has made it through stronger than ever because of the work of our dedicated members, volunteers and professional staff. We are deeply grateful to our dedicated volunteers and professional staff for their leadership, expertise and dedication to our mission. Without you, none of our accomplishments would have been possible and our hope for the future would be unfounded. More importantly, without you, our economy would be weakened and society’s ability to innovate would be stunted.
